Preemptive memoization in React is probably not Evil (yet)


Why you might still end up using useMemo/useCallback everywhere even though you want to avoid premature optimization

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Whether you should memoize values in React with useMemo or useCallback is one of the most commonly discussed topics in the community, and there are two common use cases for memoization:

  1. optimize away repeated computations/calculations
  2. stabilize (the references/identities of) objects (including functions) between re-renders

The majority of the times when people warn against abusing useMemo and useCallback, they only refer to the first use case – memoization as a performance optimization technique. There is a simple and straightforward answer to it: don’t prematurely optimize. Just don’t. If your don’t agree with this, please check out the post Death by a thousand useCallbacks by Royi Hagigi.

That’s it for whether or not you should apply memoization from the performance angle.

However, what’s more interesting to me is the second use case about stabilizing objects between re-renders. It reveals a mismatch between React’s semi-functional programming model and the impure JavaScript language.

But first, why do we want stable references/identities for objects?

The danger of leaking out unstable objects#

You probably understand how React’s function components work already – every time React renders your (function) component, every local variable – both those defined in it and in the custom hooks it consumes – gets thrown away and re-created from scratch. Although this won’t likely cause any measurable performance issues for modern browsers, objects with ever-changing identities are considered different between re-renders.

If those objects are only local variables within a particular component and not passed down to any memoized descendent components, then being referentially unstable and re-created between re-renders is usually not a problem.

However, when you are creating a reusable abstraction such as a custom hook, returning unstable values can be potentially dangerous. You don’t know if ultimately the users of your hook/API/library would end up putting any unstable values in a dependency list, such as:

  1. including them inside useEffect to synchronize the changes from them
  2. including them in useMemo and useCallback as a dependency for other memoizations
  3. passing them down as a prop to a child component is wrapped by React.memo, or extends React.PureComponent

Ideally the identities of the values your hook/API/library produces should only change when there are meaningful changes applied to them, as opposed to merely reflecting the fact that they are getting re-created for every re-render. Unless you want to bother your users to look into the implementation details of your abstraction to figure out which changes to the values they get from your APIs are meaningful and which are not (and thus can be safely ignored as a dependency by turning off exhaustive-deps lint rule), you need to account for those possibilities and stabilize the values for your users beforehand.

The next logical question is, how do we stabilize objects in React?

How to stabilize values#

Stabilized values (currently) can be arrived at in two ways in React:

  1. memoize all objects via useMemo/useCallback
  2. “lift” them out of your component/hook/API and make them live inside React via useRef

Memoize everything#

The most direct solution is to just wrap everything in useMemo and useCallback so the memoized value will be re-used between re-renders unless one of the dependencies has changed.

I have seen people end up memoizing everything even though they are well-aware of the good practice to not prematurely optimize. They understand that memoizing everything can even hurt performance but it is way worse if an unstable referential identity busts out other memoizations unexpectedly. That can cause some major bugs.

Don’t just take my word for it – let's take a look at a Hook-based library such as React Hook Form. It does memoize everything:

    return {
        swap: React.useCallback(swap, [updateValues, name, control]),
        move: React.useCallback(move, [updateValues, name, control]),
        prepend: React.useCallback(prepend, [updateValues, name, control]),
        append: React.useCallback(append, [updateValues, name, control]),
        remove: React.useCallback(remove, [updateValues, name, control]),
        insert: React.useCallback(insert, [updateValues, name, control]),
        update: React.useCallback(update, [updateValues, name, control]),
        replace: React.useCallback(replace, [updateValues, name, control]),
        fields: React.useMemo(
        () =>
  , index) => ({
            [keyName]: ids.current[index] || generateId(),
            })) as FieldArrayWithId<TFieldValues, TFieldArrayName, TKeyName>[],
        [fields, keyName],

Another popular hook library ahooks, which made it one of its principles to memoize every function that gets returned from the hooks.

A similar argument has been made by Stefano in his blog post Why We Memo All the Things – but to be fair, his reasoning about memoizing everything also has a lot to do with avoiding the accumulative cognitive load.

Caution: useMemo and useCallback are subject to cache purging

I should mention that useMemo and useCallback might get recycled by React when memory gets tight. They are not guaranteed to be instantiated only once, even if your dependencies don’t change.

According to the React docs:

"You may rely on useMemo as a performance optimization, not as a semantic guarantee."

In practice though, this shouldn't be a problem – your code probably isn't that critical. However, if you really want to avoid cache purging, use useRef as an alternative, which I will discuss in the next section.

However, if you have seen any empirical data or anecdotes that the unexpectedly recycling behaviour of useMemo and useCallback caused any performance issues or bugs, ping me. I’ll be happy to update this post based on new information!

Store everything in a ref#

Despite the title of this blog post, there is a lesser-known alternative to memoization that can stabilize local variables – use useRef to store an instance of your APIs on initialization in a ref, and reuse their identities across re-renders.

This is what Tanner Linsley has been doing for his hook-based libraries such as React Table.

if (!instanceRef.current) {
        instanceRef.current = createTableInstance<
        >(options, rerender)

return instanceRef.current
Wait... How does this work exactly?

This reason why this approach works is that, just like your component’s state, values stored inside a ref don't live in your component, but in React.

Think of useRef as a watered down version of useState – as Dan Abramov once said, a useRef is basically useState({current: initialValue })[0]

Just like the state in your component, values stored in a ref won’t get destroyed and re-recreated every time React renders (calls) your component.

By combining useRef and useMemo, you can even create a solid.js-like version of React with no manual dependency tracking needed. By the way you should check out Solid. It has a granular reactivity model that doesn't rely on top-down memoization to detect immutable changes.

Better ways to address the mismatch#

Both of the solutions are just workarounds and cannot fix the fundamental mismatch between React’s semi-functional programming model and an impure, non-functional language like JavaScript. The mismatch exists because React throws away and re-creates local objects inside function components for every re-render and the JavaScript language doesn’t have native support for functional immutable data structures which are compared by value, not identity/reference.

What about Object.freeze?

I should have mentioned that JavaScript does have a way to make objects immutable – Object.freeze.

But even with that, immutable objects are still objects in a object-oriented programming sense. In object-oriented programming, objects have identities, as opposed to being values in a pure functional programming sense.

For example, in Haskell, there are no objects. It only has values, and values only have equality, no identities.

Luckily we haven’t reached our endgame yet – we might fix this mismatch once for all from both the language side and React side:

  • the JavaScript language is getting native support for immutable data structures – Records & Tuples, which are compared by value/contents instead of identity/reference. No need to slap useMemo everywhere just for the sake of referential stability.
    • However, even with Records & Tuples, function equality is still undecidable. As a result, useCallback will still stick around in some form.
  • React is likely to get a compiler called React Forget that automates memoization – it memoizes the results of every intermediate expression in your component at the compilation level.

As a side note, another example of a tool that bridged the gap between JavaScript and the Functional Programming model brought by React is Immer, which has seen a meteoric rise in adoption in the React community.

Acknowledgements and Further Reading#

  • I stole the title from the post Preemptive Pluralization is (Probably) Not Evil by Swyx.
  • If you’d like to know more about how Records & Tuples can help us write better & cleaner React code, Sébastien Lorber has written a great post on this Records & Tuples for React that you should check out.
  • There have been some concerns in the React community about introducing another compilation step by React Forget.
  • Alex Reardon made a library called useMemoOne to provide semantic guarantee for useMemo and useCallback (no cache purging) and it is concurrent mode safe.
  • Dominik made a good point about the differences between app code and library code: for library code, it is meant to be reused and it should be resilient how they are being used; as to app code, they might be a one-off thing and used within a much more limited scoped so memoizing them might not be worth the cost.